Venus Enters Gemini

Venus enters Gemini on May 23rd at exactly 3:30 pm CDT and will stay here until June 16th. It is time for us to transition away from the sensual and materialistic influences of Venus in Taurus and open ourselves up to a more cerebral and interconnected form of love that is characterized by intellectual stimulation and genuine friendship. For the next four weeks, communicate more in your relationships, cooperate with others more, and seek stimulating company.

As Venus graces us with its presence in Gemini, our attention naturally turns to conversations. Venus in Gemini encourages mental connections with others, reminding us that conversations are our main avenue for connection in the absence of telepathy. While some may find it effortless, others may struggle, and that's okay. Let's not see conversations as daunting obstacles but rather as precious opportunities to connect and truly understand one another.

During the first two weeks of Venus in Gemini, it's crucial to establish a strong foundation. This is because our relationships may begin to face challenges around June 7th. We need to ensure that we engage others in lively conversations and connect over shared interests to reach deeper levels of connection that will be valuable later on. It's okay to draw others in with fun, lighthearted conversation, but we need to be aware that this can not sustain a relationship forever.

.As we near June 7th, let's shift our focus from lighthearted or one-dimensional topics to more meaningful and sensitive conversations as Venus squares off with planets in Pisces. It’s a bit of a delicate transition, but if we take it in stages, we will be much more successful.

The world offers us an abundance of topics and interests, providing endless opportunities for intellectual engagement with others. Let's cast aside excuses that hinder our connections and remember that we express love not only with our hearts, but also with our minds.


Friday May 24

Venus connects pleasantly with Pluto. Focus on engaging in deeper, more profound conversations with others and harnessing the power of your mind to have a positive influence.

Tuesday June 4

The Sun joins Venus in Gemini, encouraging us to socialize and reach out to others. This is an excellent time to use a conversation to get the attention of anyone you want to notice you.

Friday June 7

Venus squares off with Saturn. Avoid having only light or superficial interactions with others. Instead, connect on deeper issues and treat others with sensitivity.

Sunday June 16

Venus squares off with Neptune. Avoid beginning new relationships and refrain from overthinking your relationships or making insincere gestures. Instead, infuse your interactions with others with more depth and empathy.