Venus Enters Aquarius

Venus enters Aquarius on December 7th at exactly 12:13 am CST and will stay here until January 2nd. This isn’t a massive shift as Venus will still be ruled by Saturn, but we will have more lightness and a better perspective while Venus is here. For the next four weeks, appreciate those who stand out, be more progressive in your values, and engage with others cerebrally.

Mars Enters Taurus

Mars enters Taurus on June 8th at exactly 11:35 p.m. and will stay there until July 20th. This is a significant shift for Mars as it transitions from its home sign, Aries, to leisurely Taurus, seeking comfort. For the next six weeks, pursue your goals with determination, use your resilience as motivation, and let your desire for stability guide your actions.

Mercury Enters Gemini

Mercury enters Gemini on June 3rd at exactly 2:37 am CDT and will stay here until June 17th. After a long journey, Mercury finally gets back to one of its home signs. We only have a short time to use this energy, so we must make the most of it. For the next two weeks, let’s seek out mental stimulation, communicate more articulately, and engage in lively discussions.

Jupiter Enters Gemini

Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25, 2024, and will stay there until June 9, 2025. We have reached a point where we are shifting our focus from pursuing growth through material wealth, comfort, and stability to instead seeking growth through open and effective communication, actively engaging our minds, and striving for a diverse range of experiences.

Venus Enters Gemini

Venus enters Gemini on May 23rd at exactly 3:30 pm CDT and will stay here until June 16th. It is time for us to transition away from the sensual and materialistic influences of Venus in Taurus and open ourselves up to a more cerebral and interconnected form of love that is characterized by intellectual stimulation and genuine friendship.

Sun Enters Gemini

The Sun enters Gemini on May 20th at exactly 7:59 a.m. CDT and will stay there until June 20th. Let's shift our focus from seeking comfort and security to building connections and cultivating a diverse mental experience. For the next four weeks, express yourself eloquently, strive for variety, and enjoy engaging your mind.

Mars Enters Aries

Mars enters Aries on April 30th at exactly 10:33 am CDT and will stay here until June 9th. Mars is finally leaving the seas of Pisces and entering the battle-tested arena of Aries. For the next six weeks, pursue your goals with bravery, use your competition as motivation, and let your determination guide your actions.

Sun Enters Aries

The Sun enters Aries on March 19th at exactly 10:06 pm and will stay here until April 19th. This is a significant change for the Sun, who will be leaving the watery depths of Pisces and moving into the fiery Mars-ruled sign of Aries. Adding to this intensity are two upcoming eclipses bringing with them important beginnings and endings as well as indications of what’s to come.

Sun Enters Pisces

The Sun enters Pisces on February 18th at exactly 10:13 pm CST and will stay here until March 19th. After being in Capricorn and Aquarius, the Sun finally escapes Saturn’s rulership and can now enjoy being under Jupiter’s control. For the next four weeks, express your emotions more openly and be more sensitive in your intentions as you accept life’s mysteries.

Venus Enters Aquarius

Venus enters Aquarius on February 16th at exactly 10:05 am CST and will stay here until March 11th. With Venus now in an air sign, we should focus more on maintaining communication in our relationships as well as our mental connection with others. For the next three weeks, appreciate what makes others different or special, value long-lasting relationships, and see past what others have on the surface.

Mercury Enters Aquarius

Mercury enters Aquarius on February 4th at exactly 11:10 pm CST and will stay here until February 23rd. Mercury has been in and out of Capricorn because of a retrograde for a while now. Now that Mercury is in an air sign, it’s time to get a little less cautious and a lot more open-minded. For the next three weeks, concentrate on objectively seeing matters, embracing reformist ideas, and being more original when communicating.