Sun Enters Sagittarius

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Today, November 21st, the Sun leaves Scorpio at 2:40 pm CST and enters Sagittarius. After spending some time going inward and being perceptive, we can now focus our attention on what really matters to us. The Sun will finally be in a fire sign again, so we can expect to have a little more energy and drive for the next few weeks. Also, since Sagittarius is a mutable sign, we have extra flexibility and adaptability to use to our advantage.

After spending time getting to the bottom of things while the Sun was in Scorpio, we now need to take what we’ve learned and direct our energy at a specific target. Avoid being aimless or lethargic. This is not the time to wander about, wondering where to go. Remember that Jupiter in Capricorn rules this Sun, and it wants us to go after our goals and grow our influence and authority. If you’re unsure which direction to go in, focus on what aligns with you philosophically and concentrate your energy on that.

It is also time to start seeing past what is directly in front of you. If the Sun in Scorpio wanted us to dig deeper, the Sun in Sagittarius wants us to dig outward, towards something else. Begin to look beyond your immediate environment and see what is still possible. Push yourself to have a greater vision for your life. The pandemic has made the world seem smaller in many ways; we see options ending, we see opportunities passing us by, and we see our limitations more than ever. But we’ve also seen people come together, do more with less, and solve problems creatively. Maybe the point is that we need to expand our vision of what is possible.

Finally, use this time to get some of your enthusiasm back. I know that is asking a lot and sounds kind of corny, but after this, the Sun is in Capricorn and Aquarius, two signs that are, well, less than enthusiastic, so please embrace it while it lasts. Literally find anything that you enjoy and welcome it into your life.