Venus Enters Scorpio

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Venus leaves Libra and enters Scorpio this morning on November 21st. It’s time to leave diplomacy aside and get deep for a while. We should consider what we’ve pushed down or aren’t dealing with that is keeping us from getting what we want. We should also look into what financial issues we’ve been avoiding that may be holding us back or tying us down.

Scorpio is a water sign, and feelings are a big part of Scorpio’s energy. Take note of the emotional weather of your relationships. Some may be sunny, and some may be stormy. I also want us to recognize that not all sunny relationships are good, and not all stormy ones are bad. Maybe it is sunny because you’re avoiding difficult topics, and maybe it is stormy because you’re actually dealing with challenges. The important thing here to focus on is this relationship lining up with our desires. Does this relationship make us feel good? Or doesn’t it?

Also, use the next few weeks to get closer to the people you care about. Increase the intimacy in your relationships. Be receptive to interactions that create a deeper bond, and concentrate on bringing relationships to the next level. Also, be aware that sometimes Venus in Scorpio can bring out jealousy or control issues. Let go of any hurt you’ve been holding on to for too long. It is sometimes easy to forget that deep relationships don’t have to be scary or intimidating. They can also be regenerative and affirming.

Mars in Aries will rule Venus, so it will be important for us to consider what we really want and desire. Take some time to push aside everyone else’s expectations of you, focus on yourself and remember what actually brings you comfort or pleasure. We should also make an effort to be more courageous in expressing love and appreciation. Don’t be shy; speak up and reach out to the people you care about. You have to give love to get love.