Venus Enters Leo

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Today, September 6th, Venus enters Leo at exactly 2:22 am CDT. Leo is a fixed fire sign so we are ready to go after what we want and then keep it forever. Expect romantic expressions to be much more joyous and expressive. This is also a good time to do pleasurable things, indulge, and surround yourself with beauty. Take advantage of this window to enjoy yourself a little more. I understand that is difficult right now, but trust me later you may regret it. Venus is going to struggle a bit for the rest of the year, so if you have any romantic intentions, seriously consider going after them now.

Venus in Leo will connect with Mars in Aries so there is a go for it vibe around money and relationships. Put energy into what you love, and outwardly express your love for others. Bring what you enjoy into your life. Venus will also connect with Mercury in Libra so rely more on your words, verbal communications will be smoother than usual. Make the first move, or be more flirtatious. Venus will also square off with Uranus, which is still retrograde. Relationships or money issues may unexpectedly resurface. If this happens don’t rush to make a decision, sometimes things are in our past for a reason, think things through carefully.

Also, watch your money! With all the fiery energy, we may be tempted to splurge or make impulsive purchases. Worldwide things are fluctuating and we should all be saving if we can. If you want to spend money, make yourself wait a day, or force yourself to look at your finances first.

Spend the next few weeks sending out love to others, and pay attention to what comes back to you. Sometimes when Venus is in Leo we are so fixated on loving others that it ends up hiding insecurities around our own self-worth. Focus on the people in your life who mutually love and respect you. Stay away from one-sided or uneven relationships. Also, avoid being so generous and giving that you end up feeling unappreciated. And on the flip side, remember to love and appreciate the people in your life. It will be important to express gratitude and recognition for others. Enjoy this time!