Mercury Enters Libra

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On Saturday, September 5th, Mercury leaves Virgo and enters Libra. Mercury in a Venus-ruled air sign should help us be more light and pleasant when communicating. It will be much easier to be eloquent and persuasive, and we are more willing to collaborate with others to get what we want.

This Mercury will be ruled by Venus in Leo. Push yourself to be more expressive, especially outwardly. This Leo/Libra combination will help us assert ourselves, but in a way that is smooth and sophisticated. Engage with others, send texts, call friends, this is not a time to be sitting at home alone brooding. Take advantage of your relationships with other people, not in a way that is exploitative, but in a way where you each get something out of the interaction. We are not going to get this harmonious Mercury energy again for a while, so please take advantage of this time.

The downside of Mercury entering Libra is that it will square off with the planets in Capricorn. We may want to work with others, but at times the other person or situation may be in a more dominant position. The opposite is also true, we may be the ones with more power. Either way, it won’t be easy for everyone to get along. Control issues may surface, be aware of how you wield your power, or how others have power over you. Focus on being strategic in your communications, but also understand blockages may occur. If you’re having difficulties, concentrate on being persuasive and diplomatic.

Another thing to be aware of is being too cooperative and agreeable when Mercury is here. Seeing both sides in many situations is a wonderful approach, but we can also lose a sense of what we really think. Don’t take things too far and end up compromising your values because you are avoiding conflict. Not every side is right, and not everyone is going to get along. That is okay. Remember to stay in reality, and keep in mind just as you will be more persuasive, so will everyone else.