Venus Enters Sagittarius

Venus enters Sagittarius on November 16th at exactly 12:09 am CST and will stay here until December 9th. Venus finally gets out from being under the rule of a debilitated Mars and will now be ruled by a strong Jupiter. Our relationships and financial situations can finally exhale as they move to a more positive place.

For many of us, the last four weeks have been an incredibly rocky time for relationships. There was a lot of emotional reactivity and blaming, and finding the space to be as reflective and thoughtful as we needed to be was challenging. Thankfully we are now in a much better place to see where we were wrong, or how we can do better.

Venus’ first connection is on November 21st, when Mercury joins it. This is a moment to express your thoughts or feelings about a relationship or financial matter. Be direct and honest, while still being sensitive to the situation.

Next, on the 25th, Venus connects pleasantly with Chiron. Work through any unhealed or unresolved issues in your relationships by being open about your feelings.

Then on the 30th, Venus opposes a retrograde Mars. Relationship issues may become difficult and require a lot of discussion before we can reach a resolution.

On December 1st Venus connects with Saturn. If we want more stability or security in our relationships, honesty or sincerity may be our best strategy.

Venus squares off with Neptune on the 3rd. Avoid giving off mixed signals, or you may appear unserious to others.

Finally, on the 9th, Venus squares off with Jupiter. We may be tempted to avoid difficult issues - don’t hide behind over-optimism.

This Venus transit will be a lovely mix of Sagittarian and Piscean energy that we should absolutely take advantage of. Push yourself to be kinder and more considerate towards others in demonstrable ways, make your feelings known in a manner that is clear and direct. Love thrives when we feel free to express ourselves and, more importantly, give others space to express themselves as well.