Mercury Enters Sagittarius

Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 17th at exactly 2:42 am CST and will stay here until December 6th. Mercury finally escapes the rulership of Mars but, unfortunately, isn’t comfortable in Sagittarius because there is a tendency to monopolize the conversation or speak without thinking first. The good news is, Jupiter, the planet ruling Sagittarius, is in a strong position, so as long as we take time to pause and use our compassion, we can have some really productive and meaningful conversations or ideas.

It can be tricky to balance speaking our minds honestly yet still considering others’ feelings. We usually end up picking one or the other because we haven’t learned the middle way. The middle way starts with us being honest with ourselves first. Before communicating, examine your motivations - does what I am about to say only benefit me? Have I considered the effects of my words on others? If we take time to be thoughtful, we can avoid falling into those easy traps of self-involvement and short-sightedness.

Mercury’s first connection is on the 21st of November, when it joins Venus. Express yourself with directness, but be careful of the words you choose—balance honesty with kindness.

Then on the 24th, Mercury connects pleasantly with Chiron. Speaking up about what has hurt us or bringing attention to it may be needed to move forward.

Next, on the 29th, Mercury connects with both Mars and Saturn. Arguments around facts or information are likely, but considering the bigger picture and seeing matters responsibly may help us avoid them.

Mercury and Neptune square off on December 1st. Avoid being too blunt or insensitive. Channel your enthusiasm into creative ideas.

Finally, on December 5th, Mercury squares off with Jupiter. Our opinions or ideas may cause tension if we reveal them unkindly. Make sure to consider the concerns of others first.

There is so much knowledge out there, and if we harness it correctly, the possibilities are incredible. But big ideas are only big if we include others in them. We are not on this planet alone, so let’s use the power of our minds to bring us closer together rather than further apart.