Venus Enters Gemini

Venus enters Gemini on June 22 at exactly 7:34 pm CDT and will stay here until July 17th. The focus of our relationships and values undergo a shift away from pleasure and comfort toward connection and engagement. We must understand and appreciate that relationships do not thrive under silence and can not evolve if they lack mental stimulation.

We’ve all heard that communication is a huge part of our relationships. But it’s often portrayed as this boring, slightly annoying thing we have to work at. I want us to remember that communication can be so much fun and sometimes even the best part of a relationship. Having a great chat with someone is one of the best feelings in the world! So let’s reframe this concept and remind ourselves that conversations can be pleasurable.

Also, keep in mind that Venus’ ruler Mercury will shift signs halfway through from Gemini to Cancer. This should help our relationships evolve from a more surface-level communication style to one more conscious of the emotions at play. 

Venus’ first connection is on June 28th, when it connects with Jupiter. Look for opportunities to create more excitement in your relationships. Take a risk if one presents itself or be especially flirtatious.

Next, on July 6th, Venus connects with Chiron. If we take the initiative, a conversation may remind us of our value or worthiness.

On July 12th Venus connects pleasantly with Saturn. This is an ideal moment to commit to a relationship or simply establish things further. Use your words and intellect to demonstrate your growth or maturity towards others.

Finally, Venus squares off with Neptune on July 13th. Avoid giving in to unrealistic expectations around your relationships. Matters may also be more confusing or unclear - rely on your intuition and stay in an empathetic place.

A mental connection can not happen from a distance; it requires interactions (sometimes many of them) to establish itself. Push yourself to flirt, tease, and engage. Allow your minds to fall in love! We have these great brains; let’s use them to make our relationships better and stronger.