Sun Enters Cancer

The Sun enters Cancer on June 21st at exactly 4:14 am CDT and will stay here until July 22nd. The Sun’s light is now decreasing (or increasing in the southern hemisphere), and we are beginning to turn more inward as we intensify our connection to the Moon, the Sun’s ruler.

Emotional intelligence is necessary to navigate life successfully. It is often defined as the ability to be self-aware and self-regulating. It also demonstrates our capacity to be motivated and empathetic and measures our social skills. Most of us were not taught how to do this. We had to figure it out, usually by making a lot of mistakes. Over the next four weeks, as the Sun’s ruler, the Moon, changes signs every 2-3 days, embrace the fluidity of your emotions. Let one feeling run into the next endlessly until you have experienced every emotional color of the rainbow. We are getting a crash course in our feelings, and it would benefit us to pay attention.

The Sun’s first connection is on July 7th, when it squares off with Chiron. Bring up what is upsetting you instead of pushing it down and reflect on how to move forward.

The Sun connects with Uranus on July 9th. Breaking out of our comfort zone may help us find a new comfort zone.

On July 16th, the Sun joins Mercury in Cancer. Work on your emotional intelligence and consider your feelings thoughtfully.

Also, on July 16th, the Sun connects pleasantly with Neptune, so this is also a great opportunity to be creative or spend some time reflecting.

Finally, on July 19th, the Sun opposes Pluto. This is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate your emotional growth and intelligence; otherwise, we may be forced to see where we are still struggling.

The Moon will play a huge role in our lives over the next four weeks. Cancer is the only sign ruled by the Moon and thus plays an important role in our astrological year. The Moon represents our emotions, instincts, intuitions, and needs. The Moon nourishes us, cares for us. It reminds us that we are not machines, but deeply emotional beings, full of life. The Moon reflects the Sun’s light back to us; thus, we should also reflect. Pause and step back. Honor your privacy and your personal space.