Venus Enters Virgo

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On Friday, October 2nd, Venus leaves Leo and enters Virgo at 3:48 pm CDT. Our relationships and what we value are about to get a lot more practical. Since Virgo is a Mercury-ruled earth sign, we are more willing to put effort into what we care about and be more verbal when showing appreciation. Venus is uncomfortable in Virgo, as it can be too analytical and critical at times for love to thrive. We should remember not to set our standards or expectations too high.

Venus in Virgo enjoys being helpful so spend the next few weeks focusing on ways in which you can be of service to others. The Sun in Libra is now ruled by this Virgo Venus which further indicates that we should reach out and see how we can support the people that we care about. Even showing others appreciation can go a long way. I know we are all really drained and only have so much energy to give out, pick those who values mimic yours. Don’t waste your energy on the wrong people.

We should also focus on deepening our connections as this Venus is ruled by a Mercury in Scorpio. Pay attention to where you are holding yourself back in relationships because you are too stuck in your head. Push past the surface in your partnerships, and consider them more profoundly. We may be extra hard on people while Venus is here, but it may be that was what was needed so we can or so the relationship can grow.

Mercury, Virgo’s ruler will be retrograde at the tail end of Venus’ time in Virgo. This is significant. Past lovers and relationships may reappear. We should re-examine these relationships so we can heal any lingering wounds and consider what we’ve learned about ourselves.

Finally, Venus in Virgo can really help us get our financial matters in better order. Concentrate on tidying up any long-standing money issues. This could include going over your monthly subscriptions and making sure you’re not paying for stuff you’re not using, or simply trimming excessive expenses.

If we take advantage of the discerning qualities of Venus in Virgo, we can discover what relationships are actually serving our best interests, and which aren’t. Sometimes being realistic isn’t fun or easy, but is a necessary step towards growth.