Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio 2020

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Mercury stations retrograde on Tuesday, October 13th. Mercury will start its retrograde in Scorpio and back into Libra for a bit. This retrograde will last until November 3rd, which is the same day as the US election. If you are a US citizen, please vote early and double-check your ballot and any associated paperwork. As with all Mercury retrogrades, don’t buy electronics (no, really), avoid signing important contracts, and back up your devices. Do not start any big projects, instead review what you’ve been working on.

For the majority of this retrograde, Mercury will be ruled by a retrograde Mars in Aries. It may be incredibly tempting to say things out of selfishness. We may fool ourselves into thinking that we aren’t self-involved, which is why we must thoroughly examine our motivations. Are we thinking about things objectively, or simply being reactive? I say all this because Mercury retrograde in Scorpio tends to bring up secret, hidden, or suppressed information. We may uncover or realize some deeply uncomfortable stuff. It will be up to us to decide what to do with that information, but we need to avoid being overly self-interested and reactive. It may be best for us to sit with whatever we discover until the Mercury, Mars retrogrades are over in the middle of November. By then, we should have more clarity around matters.

With Mercury in Scorpio is may be easier to say things harshly. Only be harsh with others if you think that’s what’s really called for. It can be really difficult to decide when being truthful is what’s needed, or if it’s just what makes us feel better. Focus on being objective, consider running stuff by a friend or therapist first.

Mercury will also oppose Uranus during its retrograde, which further indicates that we should expect some surprising information to surface over the next few weeks, and may also feel a little scattered or rushed mentally. Think before you speak and take a second to calm your mind down. On the positive side, this may help us think or see matters in a new way.

For the next few weeks, let's keep in mind the saying, “Say what you mean, but don’t say it mean.” Be truthful, but examine your motivations