Venus Enters Libra

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On October 27th at exactly 8:41 pm, Venus will enter Libra. Venus will finally be in a sign that it has rulership over, giving it some extra advantage here. Venus will also now be in an air sign, so intellectual ideals will be emphasized, along with justice and cooperation. The next few weeks are a good time to engage with higher concepts and ideals. Venus in Libra also gives us more of an eye for beauty, so consider using the time to do some shopping or redecorating. Libra especially likes to improve on whatever it can, so replace or upgrade something if you’ve meant to.

Venus in Libra’s primary focus is balance and harmony in our environment and our relationships. It may be a good idea while Mercury is still retrograde to renegotiate or reexamine your relationships. This may be especially important if there are any unequal or one-sided relationships in your life. Speak up about what you need and re-calibrate where necessary.

We also need to actively create balance in the attention we give ourselves versus the attention we give to others. A lot is going on right now, and it may be that some of us don’t have as much energy to give to others. Or, it may be that there are relationships where we are the ones creating the unbalance. Try to find the right balance for you. These issues may be extra apparent on November 1st when Venus opposes Chiron, and November 9th, when Venus opposes Mars in Aires.

Venus will square off with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn, indicating that try as we might, those in positions of power or authority may block our attempts or cause extra frustrations. Use your intellect and knowledge to find a solution. Focus on being diplomatic and negotiate if you have to. However, there is a chance that you may have to walk away. Venus in Libra is willing to bend, but it has its limits and doesn’t like to compromise its ideals unreasonably. These squares to Capricorn happen in the second half of November so be especially aware of this during that time.

Enjoy and take advantage of the next few weeks. Hopefully, we can bring a little more beauty and harmony into our lives.