Sun Enters Scorpio

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On Thursday, October 22nd, the Sun enters Scorpio at 6:00 pm CDT. It’s a big change from the Sun’s ruler being Venus when it was in Libra to Mars, and a retrograde Mars on top of it. Scorpio’s energy tends to bring stuff up, specifically stuff others would rather leave alone. With the Sun here, repressed things relating to our ego can especially bubble up during this time. Look into what hurts your feelings or bruises your ego for the next few weeks.

Scorpio is very different from the other water signs because it is ruled by Mars. It does not like to sit quietly with its feelings; it wants to take action. This can, unfortunately, lead to control issues or manipulative behavior. Control issues are especially likely right now with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn and Mars retrograde. It may really seem like we’re just not as able to control things as we’d like. It is normal if the next few weeks feel frustrating. Concentrate on what you can control, even if it’s just small things.

This may be a good time to examine the intentions behind what we do and say. Our emotions interplay into our actions, influencing them in ways we may not always be aware of. Those in therapy know that we often think we are doing something for a certain reason, but as soon as we dig a little deeper, we realize our reasons can be quite complicated. We should remember that feelings are a kind of information. Use your emotions to understand yourself, without allowing them to over-rule you.

The good news is that Mars will station direct about halfway through the Sun’s time in Scorpio helping us move forward in a more productive direction. The Sun will also no longer be squaring off with the planets in Capricorn. Many of us have discovered that we used to have a lot more power before the pandemic that we took for granted. While the Sun is in Scorpio, I hope we will more deeply understand that power is a privilege we should not use lightly or count on.