
Venus Enters Libra

Venus enters Libra on November 8th at exactly 3:30 a.m. CST and will stay here until December 4th. While Venus was in Virgo, it may have been too easy to be critical of others and overly analytical about our relationships. Now Venus is back in one of the signs it likes best, which should help us be more tolerant and see matters much more reasonably.

Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra

On October 14th, there will be a New Moon in Libra at exactly 12:55 pm CDT and a Solar Eclipse. The eclipse will last from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. in Chicago, but this varies on location, so please check for more information. All eclipses are considerable, but this one is especially significant, so please prepare some time and space to be alone with your feelings this weekend.

Venus Enters Libra

Venus enters Libra on September 29th at exactly 2:49 am CDT and will stay here until October 23rd. Finally, Venus gets a break! Relationships have been struggling, but that should change now that Venus is in one of their most comfortable signs. We’ve finally finished the brutal examination of our relationships while Venus was in Virgo, and we are ready to prioritize those based on mutual respect and understanding.

Sun Enters Libra

The Sun enters Libra on September 22nd at exactly 8:04 pm CDT and will stay here until October 23rd. This transit will provide a little relief during this stressful and often chaotic time, especially after September 29th, when Venus enters Libra. Then we will have the Sun ruled by a very strong Venus, which should help us smooth over a few rough spots.

New Moon in Libra

This is quite a different New Moon than usual. Usually, I would say that this is a quiet time where we should reflect on what we would like to begin or shift our attention to, but Mars joins this New Moon, and all three planets are ruled by Venus in Scorpio, so the energy may be anything but calm. For this New Moon in Libra, we must focus on being intentional in our relationships and how we communicate. It will benefit us more if we concentrate on being more consistent and reliable than scattered or unpredictable.

Mars Enters Libra

Mars enters Libra on Tuesday, September 14th at precisely 7:14 pm CDT and will stay here until October 30th. Mars faces a lot of adversity in Libra as it is a sign ruled by Venus -- Mars and Venus have almost opposite goals. We will be forced to put our more selfish impulses aside while we center our actions around relationships and act with more sensitivity.

Mercury Enters Libra

Mercury enters Libra on Monday, August 30th at precisely 12:12 am CDT and will stay here until November 5th, which is much longer than usual due to its upcoming retrograde, which will take place from September 26th until October 18th. The next two months may have us seeing matters in a new light or learning from others what we missed. While we are reflecting on the past, we must push ourselves to be decisive.

Venus Enters Libra

On October 27th at exactly 8:41 pm, Venus will enter Libra. Venus will finally be in a sign that it has rulership over, giving it some extra advantage here. Venus will also now be in an air sign, so intellectual ideals will be emphasized, along with justice and cooperation. The next few weeks are a good time to engage with higher concepts and ideals. Venus in Libra also gives us more of an eye for beauty, so consider using the time to do some shopping or redecorating. Libra especially likes to improve on whatever it can, so replace or upgrade something if you’ve meant to.

Sun Enters Libra

Today, September 22nd, the Sun enters Libra at exactly 9:31 am. The Sun’s ingress into Libra also marks the autumn equinox when we have an equal amount of daylight and darkness. This is perfectly fitting for Libra, a sign symbolized by a scale, a sign that prioritizes balance and justice. Libra seeks this, not by being stern or punitive, but by bringing people together, and encouraging others to find harmony.

April 19th Full Moon in Libra

We are about to experience a powerful Full Moon on April 19th! This Full Moon is the second time this year we have a Full Moon in Libra (the first one was on March 20th) - usually each zodiac sign gets one Full Moon a year. Also, this Full Moon will be especially potent as it occurs at the 29th degree of Libra. The 29th degree is the last degree of Libra (each sign has 30 degrees in it) and will bring an increase in the need and desire for completion.