Venus Enters Sagittarius

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Venus will leave Scorpio and enter Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 15th. This will be another significant energy shift. Where Venus in Scorpio was intense and intimate, Venus in Sagittarius will be much more exuberant and adventurous. Venus will also be ruled by a Jupiter that has just entered Aquarius, really setting off a new era where we embrace what is possible.

This may be a really great time to let yourself get excited about someone. Venus in Sagittarius wants us to be more affectionate and love on people. It’s important to remember we don’t always have to play it cool; we can accept our feelings and even appreciate our feelings towards others. If you like someone or are enjoying a relationship, just enjoy it.

On the other hand. Some of us may not be in love or even excited about love at all. This year has been depleting in almost every way. Some of us may be depressed or anxious. I see you. If you feel this way, all I have to say is, hang in there. Try to find something that brings you a little joy. Try to remember this has been a challenging year. Try to remember life can still be wonderful.

Gravitate towards those who share your higher ideals and beliefs. Like I mentioned earlier, this Venus will be ruled by Jupiter in Aquarius, indicating that people who don’t align with where we are at (especially intellectually and spiritually) may not be as important to us anymore. Focus on loving who you love, avoid getting trapped in relationships just because they are conventionally convenient. Allow yourself more freedom in what you find attractive.

Finally, I want us to love what we enjoy! Venus won’t be in a fire sign again until it enters Aries in March of 2021, so deepen your relationship with what you like or appreciate. When Mercury entered Sagittarius, I wrote that we should mentally engage with what we enjoy, but now I want us to take it a step further. I want us to really start valuing these things. I feel like if the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s to hold on to what you enjoy and keep it close to you. Push yourself to express feelings of love, and appreciate everything that makes you happy.