Saturn Re-Enters Aquarius

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On Wednesday, December 16th, Saturn leaves Capricorn and re-enters Aquarius, where it will spend the next two and a half years. Saturn was previously in Aquarius for a bit in March, but it didn’t stay there long because of its retrograde. Saturn will also be activating squares to the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio) now. Just like when it was in Capricorn, Saturn is especially comfortable here as it is one of the two signs Saturn naturally rules. Even though it is comfortable in both signs, Saturn in Aquarius will be quite different than Saturn in Capricorn.

When Saturn was in Capricorn, it focused its energy on tradition, rules, and authority. Saturn in Aquarius, on the other hand, is more focused on being idealistic and liberated because Aquarius is an air sign. If Saturn in Capricorn was authoritarianism, Saturn in Aquarius is socialism. It wants to figure out the rules of life so it can help the group. It believes that we always have to keep the greater good in mind and uses its intellectual power to that end. Aquarius wants to set high standards, and Saturn wants us to meet them.

We may sink our heels in when it comes to the right thing to do. People may feel especially emboldened that they know the truth or the right way to do something. Doing the right thing is incredibly important, but try to avoid having a superiority complex. We also may be easily disappointed in others, especially when they don’t meet our higher standards. Let us remember to pick our battles wisely.

Prioritize living in accordance with your ideals, but understand it will not always be easy. Saturn in Aquarius wants fairness above all but understands that results will only come from sustained effort. We need to actively create the world we envision; it will not just be handed to us. We also need to focus on finding logical solutions to systemic problems and creating rules that benefit all of us. So, rise to the occasion as much as you can, and when you do have moments of frustration, focus on what you can do to contribute. We need each other more than ever.