Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Sagittarius

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On Monday, December 14th, there will be a Solar Eclipse and New Moon in 23 degrees of Sagittarius. The eclipse itself will last about three hours. Do not start anything important on Monday. Solar eclipses bring intense energy that does not lend itself well to new beginnings. Instead, focus on what you should eliminate or cut out of your life. This is a good time to purge what hasn’t been working for you or is holding you back.

For some of us, the day may have a fated quality to it because the South Node is near the Sun and Moon during the eclipse. Often during an eclipse, an external event instigates an internal revelation. Those with notable mutuable sign placements (Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, & Virgo) are especially vulnerable. There may be an eye-opening moment around what we need to purge in our lives.

Mercury and Mars will also share a connection on Monday. Consider what actions you need to take to become a more powerful force in your own life. Evaluate how intentional you are, and reflect on where in your life you are passive. You probably have more abilities than you give yourself credit for, so stop selling yourself short. Make choices that reflect you and your beliefs. The upcoming shifts of Jupiter and Saturn into Aquarius will not be kind to those who live haphazardly.

The fixed star Ras Alhague will also conjoin the Sun and Moon indicating a “desire to heal a wound.” We need to seriously consider letting go of what is hurting us. Over the next couple of weeks, the planets will be pushing us to evolve, but that needs to start with our healing and letting go of what is damaging us. Stop fitting into roles others force upon you. Stop letting others tell you what path you should be on. Like the Sun and the Moon, we need to light our own way and trust in our own capabilities. More than ever, it is important for us to have a strong sense of self and understand that we know what is best for us.