Mercury Enters Sagittarius

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On Tuesday, December 1st, Mercury will enter Sagittarius at 1:51 pm CST. The way we think and communicate will undergo quite a transformation compared to when Mercury was in Scorpio. We need to allow ourselves more mental freedom and the space to find our sense of humor once again. Above all, we should remember that the world is still full of things that we find interesting.

Mercury in Sagittarius tends to get excited quite easily, sometimes to the point where we forget that everyone might not be on the same page as us. For the next few weeks, remember to adapt your language to the situation. It will be easier for us to be flexible mentally, and I want us to use that to our advantage. Try to meet people where they’re at. It may take some time for others to come around to your point of view, and that is okay.

It may be tempting to say a lot during the next few weeks, but we should consider the consequences. It’s okay to be excited about our opinions, but communication also involves listening. Please remember to pause and make sure you aren’t doing all the talking. Also, Sagittarius is a mutable sign, so we may change our minds more than usual. Thoughts and ideas may come and go, so don’t say something you can’t take back only to realize later you don’t even feel that strongly about it after all.

I want us to think bigger for awhile. Take some time to consider the wider world; think beyond your immediate environment. Because of the pandemic, we’ve been more involved in, and aware of, our local community lately. I don’t want us to stop focusing on that entirely, but I do want us to see ourselves as part of the greater world as well. We should consider that the environment we are currently in is not the only way of living or thinking. Remember to enjoy other cultures and possibly learn from them. Finally, we are all dealing with a lot, so if thoughts get too overwhelming or depressing, get outside of your head for a bit. Use technology to give yourself a mental vacation, or simply watch something that makes you laugh. Your thoughts don't have to be a prison; if you let them, they can also give you freedom.