
Mercury Enters Gemini

Mercury enters Gemini on June 3rd at exactly 2:37 am CDT and will stay here until June 17th. After a long journey, Mercury finally gets back to one of its home signs. We only have a short time to use this energy, so we must make the most of it. For the next two weeks, let’s seek out mental stimulation, communicate more articulately, and engage in lively discussions.

Mercury Enters Aquarius

Mercury enters Aquarius on February 4th at exactly 11:10 pm CST and will stay here until February 23rd. Mercury has been in and out of Capricorn because of a retrograde for a while now. Now that Mercury is in an air sign, it’s time to get a little less cautious and a lot more open-minded. For the next three weeks, concentrate on objectively seeing matters, embracing reformist ideas, and being more original when communicating.

Mercury Enters Pisces

Mercury enters Pisces at exactly 4:52 pm CST and will stay here until March 18th. Mercury finds Pisces an uncomfortable sign to be in, as Mercury prefers certainty and boundaries, and Pisces forces it to be more nebulous and indistinct. This may be a challenging time for us mentally, but if we embrace our inner voice and discard the need for concrete answers, we may actually discover a lot of valuable information sitting inside of us.

Mercury Enters Sagittarius

Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 17th at exactly 2:42 am CST and will stay here until December 6th. Mercury finally escapes the rulership of Mars but, unfortunately, isn’t comfortable in Sagittarius because there is a tendency to monopolize the conversation or speak without thinking first. The good news is, Jupiter, the planet ruling Sagittarius, is in a strong position, so as long as we take time to pause and use our compassion, we can have some really productive and meaningful conversations or ideas.

Mercury Direct

Mercury ended its retrograde cycle on October 2nd at exactly 4:07 am CDT. We still have one more Mercury retrograde this year, beginning at the end of December when Mercury is in Capricorn. But we got through this one, so let’s focus on that for now. This retrograde felt genuinely eye-opening. We became aware (and for those already aware, became sure) that what isn’t working, especially around relationships, really isn’t working.

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury will station retrograde on September 9th at exactly 10:38 pm CDT. Mercury will retrograde through Libra, re-enter Virgo on September 23rd, and then station direct on October 2nd. As usual, this will primarily affect contracts, verbal agreements, plans, travel, and electronics. On top of that, Mercury is currently ruling the Sun and Venus, and Venus is ruling Mercury (we call this mutual reception in astrology), so relationships and finances will also be affected. Please double-check anything in writing, read all the fine print, and have backup plans.

Mercury Enters Virgo

Mercury enters Virgo on August 4th at exactly 1:58 am CDT and will stay here until August 25th. Mercury is back in one of its home signs where it is most comfortable, but that will mean our minds will be more active than usual. We all have a unique relationship with our minds, so for some of us, this will be a very productive time, but others may find themselves overwhelmed and constantly trying to interpret information. Let’s make sure to take breaks and get out of our heads occasionally.

Mercury Enters Cancer

Mercury enters Cancer on July 5th at exactly 1:25 am CDT and will stay here until July 19th. We have just two short weeks with this transit, but mentally we will go through many stages as our outlook changes every 2-3 days with the Moon, Cancer’s ruler. Don’t hold too tightly to one communication strategy - let your emotions dictate your approach.

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury will officially station retrograde on Tuesday, May 10 at exactly 6:47 am CDT and continue that motion until Friday, June 3rd. However, as Mercury is an entire planet, it takes a moment to pick up speed again, which won’t happen until June 11th. So what does this all mean? First, hold off on starting important projects until June 11th, if possible. Second, double-check everything and then check it again.