Venus Enters Aries

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Venus Enters Aries

Today February 7th, Venus leaves Pisces and enters Aries at 2:02pm CST. This is a notable shift away from the dreamlike state we’ve been in while Venus was in Pisces. Aries is a Mars ruled, cardinal, fire sign, and technically, Venus is in detriment here. The reason is that Venus gets a little confused – it wants harmony, cooperation, and contentment, but Aries pushes Venus in a different direction. It’s more forceful than it’s used to, and it’s more brazen than it would like to be. Think of teenagers in love. They have a hard time holding back, they’re impulsive, and their feelings are super intense. These are the same themes we see with Venus in Aries. This is a more action based Venus, since Aries is a Mars ruled sign, where we are likely to go after what we want, and be daring about it. We may find ourselves developing crushes, or feeling compelled to tell others how we feel about them.

Venus also rules over money and possessions so while in Aries we may have a stronger sense of what we want to buy, but watch out for impulsive spending as well. Likewise, Venus also rules our values so expect to care more intensely about the things or subjects you care about. This is a good time to work with others for a cause you are passionate about.

Valentine’s Day is coming up, and with Venus in Aries we can expect it won’t be boring. Open yourself up to taking a risk, or if you’re single, being a little self-centered. Things have been heavy lately with so many planets in Capricorn. Venus in Aries should give us a boost of confidence, and the drive to go after what we want.