
Mars Enters Aries

Mars enters Aries on April 30th at exactly 10:33 am CDT and will stay here until June 9th. Mars is finally leaving the seas of Pisces and entering the battle-tested arena of Aries. For the next six weeks, pursue your goals with bravery, use your competition as motivation, and let your determination guide your actions.

Sun Enters Aries

The Sun enters Aries on March 19th at exactly 10:06 pm and will stay here until April 19th. This is a significant change for the Sun, who will be leaving the watery depths of Pisces and moving into the fiery Mars-ruled sign of Aries. Adding to this intensity are two upcoming eclipses bringing with them important beginnings and endings as well as indications of what’s to come.

Sun Enters Aries

The Sun enters Aries on March 20th at exactly 4:24 pm CDT and will stay here until April 20th. Although Aries is not one of the Sun’s home signs, it is territory the Sun feels very honored in as it has both exaltation and day triplicity in Aries. The Sun’s entry into Aries coincides with the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and also marks the beginning of the astrological New Year.

Jupiter Re-enters Aries

Jupiter re-enters Aries on December 20th at 8:32 am CST and will stay here until May 16th, 2023. We already had a preview of this transit when Jupiter was in Aries from May to October this year. For many of us, the next five months once again allows us to focus on our strengths and abilities. Jupiter in Aries will also push us to be more adventurous and energetic while refusing to let anyone or any circumstance get in our way.

Mars Enters Aries

Mars enters Aries on May 24th at exactly 6:17 pm CDT and will stay here until July 5th. Mars is finally back in one of the signs it rules. We are finally ready to act on behalf of our inner strengths and direct our energy outward without holding back. Since Mars has no one to answer to but itself, we can operate with a sort of impunity, not letting others dictate our actions and motivations, allowing our true nature the expression it deserves.

Jupiter Enters Aries

Jupiter enters Aries on May 10th, at 6:22 pm CDT, and will stay here until October 28th. This is a significant shift for Jupiter as it leaves its home in Pisces, a sign where it is incredibly comfortable, to the fiery arena of Aries. Jupiter’s time in Aries will be complicated, as it includes a retrograde that begins on July 28th. We only have about three months to take full advantage of this energy. Then we will be forced to retrace our steps and learn any lessons we missed along the way.

Mercury Enters Aries

On Saturday, April 3rd, at 11:41 pm, Mercury will leave Pisces and enter Aries. I think we are all more than ready to leave the fogginess behind us and now communicate with much more focused intention. We will finally be more confident in our mental capacities and how we share information with others. We can also better initiate conversations with others, so reach out to someone you haven’t spoken with in a while, and be sure to incorporate mentally stimulating activities and release any pent-up thoughts or ideas.

Sun Enters Aries

On Saturday, March 20th, the Sun will enter Aries at exactly 4:37 am CDT marking the spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the fall equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. This also means we will finally have a planet in a fire sign! If you’ve been feeling especially unmotivated over the last few months, the Sun entering Aries will help us feel more energized, passionate, and ready to take the initiative.

Mars Turns Direct

On Friday, November 13th, Mars ends its retrograde in Aries and stations direct. The last two months have been frustrating and, at times, depleting. It is understandable if we feel like we’ve been spinning our wheels for a while now. Thankfully, Mars is finally direct, and we can begin to take action around our frustrations and the things that haven’t been working for us.

Full Moon in Aries

On Thursday, October 1st, there will be a Full Moon in Aries at exactly 4:05 pm CDT. This is often referred to as the Harvest Moon as it is the first Full Moon after the autumn equinox. Typically this is when we reap what we’ve sown all summer, either literally or metaphorically. Full Moons often bring some sort of clarity as the Moon is it’s brightest and opposes the other luminary, the Sun. Their respective signs, Aries and Libra, indicate that we need to heal ourselves if we want to have more successful relationships with others.

Mars Retrograde

Today, September 9th, Mars turns retrograde in Aries. Mars will spend its entire retrograde in Aries, something that hasn’t happened since 1941, and will turn direct on November 13th. If you have Aries placements, or strong Mars placements in your natal chart, this retrograde could be especially impactful for you. It is important to prepare and understand that matters will be a lot less predictable for the next two months. Spend this time reassessing, dealing with your frustrations, and accepting the consequences of your actions.

Mars Enters Aries

On Saturday, June 27th Mars will enter Aries at 8:45 pm CDT. This movement into Aries is a big deal because Mars will be in its home sign, and will stay in Aries for the REST OF THE YEAR due to an upcoming retrograde. We are ready to start taking initiative again as Mars in Aries is all about action. It will start to become more difficult for us to sit back and do nothing. I caution us to not go too fast, too soon though. Mars in Aries can push us to seek out conflict where there is none if we are not careful. Plan your moves as deliberately and precisely as possible.

Mercury Enters Aries

On April 10th at 11:48pm Mercury will leave Pisces and enter cardinal, fire sign Aries. This is going to feel like a giant change. Mentally, we are coming out of the ocean depths of Pisces, and rising to the surface ready to confront the world. Aries is a Mars-ruled sign, so it wants to get things done. It is not content just sitting peacefully with one’s thoughts. Mercury in Aries wants action behind those ideas. Our attention span is also going to get shorter, and we will be more reactive than usual. And be warned, opinions are getting stronger, and people may be less tolerant of others who disagree with them. The good news is that the next few weeks are a great time to initiate conversations – especially with Venus in Gemini. Reach out to people you haven’t spoken to in a while.

Sun Enters Aries

Tonight the Sun will leave Pisces and enter Aries at 10:50 pm CDT. Today, March 19th, is also the Spring Equinox, and International Astrology Day. Traditionally, Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and marks a sort of astrological new year. The Sun is “exalted” is Aries because it is in a good position to lead, and express itself. Aries, as a cardinal and fire sign, just wants to get things started. This is why there is a tendency with Aries to come off as impatient and restless. Aries have a reputation for being a little too much, but maybe the rest of us just resent how action-orientated and energetic they are.