Mercury Enters Pisces

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On, February 3rd, Mercury entered Pisces! Mercury will spend an extended amount of time here because it will retrograde back into Aquarius before returning to Pisces. Yes, that means we have another Mercury retrograde on the way, starting February 16th and going until March 9th (I will have a separate post about this coming soon), needless to say avoid starting any important projects for a while. Mercury doesn’t exactly feel comfortable in Pisces. That’s because Mercury wants to be logical and methodical, and when it’s in Pisces that’s hard to do because Pisces gets confused easily, and relies more on intuition. This means it may be harder to articulate your ideas and thoughts, but that doesn't necessarily mean you don’t know what you’re doing. Pisces is a mutuable sign so it does tend to change it’s mind a lot, so the most important thing is to remember to take your time when making decisions! With Mercury going retrograde soon, there may be a tendency to end up oscillating endlessly without being able to come to a resolution. That is why your intuition will be crucial – it will help you figure out what is the best course of action. The great thing about Mercury being in Pisces is that our creative side will be easier to access, and we are more inspired than usual. Try to spend time doing anything artistic that you enjoy – concerts, museums, movies, or whatever. Also spend time meditating! And taking walks! Or doing anything that helps you get in touch with yourself. Our mind may be a little murkier for awhile, but if we make our extra sensitivity work for us, we can use this time for growth and personal evolution.