Sun Enters Aries

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Tonight the Sun will leave Pisces and enter Aries at 10:50 pm CDT. Today, March 19th, is also the Spring Equinox, and International Astrology Day. Traditionally, Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and marks a sort of astrological new year. The Sun is “exalted” is Aries because it is in a good position to lead, and express itself. Aries, as a cardinal and fire sign, just wants to get things started. This is why there is a tendency with Aries to come off as impatient and restless. Aries have a reputation for being a little too much, but maybe the rest of us just resent how action-orientated and energetic they are.

I think it’s important we don’t underestimate the pioneering nature of Aries. They often get characterized as hotheads, but that is really doing a disservice to their potential. I want to point out that several notable scientists have a Sun in Aries. Jane Goodall, who’s work with chimpanzees, pioneered animal research and observation. Richard Dawkins is another Aries scientist whose work with evolutionary biology challenges other’s ideas, and he invented the word meme. There are more examples, but the point is, championing ideas, and rising to a challenge are some of the great qualities of Aries we shouldn’t overlook.

We are currently living in a world in crisis. It would be impossible to write this without acknowledging what the world is going through. Astrology can only help so much during a pandemic – it can not provide health care, or develop a vaccine, or make 10,000 ventilators overnight. It was difficult for me to even attempt to write this because, honestly, it didn’t seem important. But despite a pandemic the planets keep moving, and it is always better for us to be aligned with the planetary energy around us. So let’s try to tap into the Aries spirit, rise to the challenges we are facing with a strong will, and a strong mind. Be courageous, and assertive. We need confident action desperately, and we can begin by starting with ourselves.