Mercury Has Finally Turned Direct!


Last night, March 9th, Mercury ended it’s retrograde and returns to direct motion. From what I’ve heard from clients and friends this was an especially problematic Mercury retrograde, so we can all breathe a sigh of relief. We aren’t totally in the clear yet – Mercury is still in it’s “storm” which is when Mercury is technically direct, but is moving so slowly it still isn’t very helpful. Mark MARCH 19th in your calendars – that is when we get the official all clear and can finally start new projects. Until then, take things slowly, and wrap up any unfinished business. Also, reflect on any issues that came up during this retrograde. Are there any realizations about changes that need to be made? Any matters from your past that you can now put behind you? Finally, since Mercury is turning direct in the sign of Aquarius you may get a clearer vision of how you would like to see yourself in the future in the next few weeks. Hopefully this retrograde wasn’t all bad, and we can begin to use our reflections to move forward for the better.