Venus Enters Gemini

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Today at 12:11pm CDT Venus will leave Taurus and enter Gemini. As a mutable air sign, Gemini is naturally curious, engaged, and craves variety. Venus is also going to be in this sign for a long time, because of Venus’ retrograde from May 13th to June 25th, so in total Venus will be in Gemini until August 7th! Venus will also be what astrologers call “out of bounds” meaning it has moved away from the path of the Sun and is at a declination point of 23’27” or higher. More simply, Venus has wandered off from the group, and is doing its own thing. This makes Venus’ expression more unpredictable, and contrary to its nature. For us personally, we may be attracted to things or people that others see as unusual for us. And it’s important to note that we may think we are acting totally normal, but it won’t look that way to other people. Don’t be afraid to be a little more outrageous.

It will be incredibly important to connect with friends and family for the next few months. For the obvious reason, most of us are under stay at home orders, and crave connection, but also, Gemini is a very mental, conversationalist sign. So if you’re the kind of person who loves texting and facetiming, this could really be your time to shine. And if you’re not – push yourself to reach out more. The good thing about Venus in Gemini is that we’re constantly interested in something new, but it doesn’t last long and that can lead to moments of flakiness or loneliness. If that does happen, remember you are not the only one dealing with this rollercoaster of life we are all on right now, use your friends and family as the support system they are meant to be, and in turn be there for them – don’t be flaky!

Venus will connect with Chiron, which is in Aries, and Neptune, which is in Pisces. This could bring up issues in how we see ourselves, and there may be some opportunities where others help us be braver. Also watch out for issues around the role you play in each of your relationships. Are you the leader and don’t want to be? Do you feel unappreciated? Venus also squares Neptune a couple of times while it’s in Gemini so pay attention to any distractions you may be creating to avoid seeing the truth in your relationships or financial situation.

When it comes to relationships we are lucky that this quarantine lines up with Venus in Gemini because Gemini is a Venus sign that doesn’t rely on physical connection as much as a mental one. It will be very important to COMMUNICATE your love and affection. Leave notes, send texts, all those kinds of things. As a mutable sign Gemini wants variety in its relationships. Do not get into a boring routine. Geminis are attracted to dynamic and vivacious people, so above all be interesting! The next few months will be a wild ride, I hope we all make the best of it.