Mars Enters Aquarius

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Today, March 30th, at 2:43pm CDT, Mars will leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius. Although Capricorn and Aquarius are both Saturn-ruled signs, we will feel a shift in energy. The energy will be lighter as Aquarius is an air sign, and things will be a little less frustrating because Aquarius tends to look out and forward, seeing the bigger picture. And right now, that is more important than ever.

When I was thinking about Mars in Aquarius the first thing I thought of was military ballooning. Back before there were airplanes, armies would use hot air balloons to survey the battlefield. This was obviously helpful because one could see things with a higher, and wider perspective. For me, this is a perfect example of Mars in Aquarius – raising ourselves up so we can prepare, and see what is coming. With both Mars and Saturn in Aquarius, we have an important opportunity to plan our next steps while we can still see the bigger picture.

Mars rules defense, as well as offense, which I think is important to remember during a pandemic. Right now the world is trying to handle a delicate balance of defense and offense when it comes to this virus, but for most of us, defense is the only thing we have some control over. Remember, Aquarius hates selfishness, so I think we will see more and more people helping each other out. For example, if we don’t support the grocery store workers how will get our food safely? If we don’t support the medical workers who will take care of us if we get sick? Ultimately, the only way to defend ourselves is to support each other.

Aquarius also isn’t afraid of using unusual means to get what it wants. We are going to see a lot more creative problem solving for the next few weeks. Mars in Aquarius isn’t afraid to go out on a limb if it gets them to their objective. Try out new solutions for problems, and approach your goals with a little more freedom. Very soon after entering Aquarius, Mars meets up with Saturn, which will show us that we can’t entirely throw discipline and structure out the window. Try to find a balance.

Hang in there. When you do get overwhelmed, focus on helping others, reach out for help if you need it, and do things that make your proud of your behavior. Wishing all of you the best.