Mercury Enters Aries

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On April 10th at 11:48pm Mercury will leave Pisces and enter cardinal, fire sign Aries. This is going to feel like a giant change. Mentally, we are coming out of the ocean depths of Pisces, and rising to the surface ready to confront the world. Aries is a Mars-ruled sign, so it wants to get things done. It is not content just sitting peacefully with one’s thoughts. Mercury in Aries wants action behind those ideas. Our attention span is also going to get shorter, and we will be more reactive than usual. And be warned, opinions are getting stronger, and people may be less tolerant of others who disagree with them. The good news is that the next few weeks are a great time to initiate conversations – especially with Venus in Gemini. Reach out to people you haven’t spoken to in a while.

Although Mercury doesn’t have any debility in Aries, there are a few things to watch out for. Avoid being too reactive, and speaking before thinking. As a cardinal sign, Aries tends to speak first, think later, and that can cause trouble. Spontaneous communication can be wonderful, but I encourage you to take a beat before you say something. Aries likes to do things quickly, so it may be difficult for us to tolerate people who are slow to make up their minds. Try to remember to be patient. Also, because Aries is ruled by Mars, there is more of a temptation to get into verbal fights, so stay away from arguments if you can, and if you can’t, tread lightly. It’s hard to take back something once said. And finally, don’t jump to conclusions. When we are quick to make up our minds, we can make false assumptions, and may not consider we don’t have all the information.

On the other hand, the next few weeks, while Mercury is in Aries, are a perfect time to put our thoughts and ideas into action. If there is something you’ve had your mind on, now is a good opportunity to get started on it. Pay attention to any strong opinions you have. We may discover that we feel more strongly about certain matters than we realized. Keep yourself mentally stimulated, it may help us stay out of trouble. Puzzles, video games, or anything that keeps you mentally active is your best friend while Mercury is in Aries. Finally, Aries will be moving closer to, and will join Chiron on April 15th. In the next few days it may become increasingly important to express our independence. If you don’t feel like your voice is being heard, speak up (just be careful not to completely freak out on anyone).

The next several weeks are going to be a fun and exciting time mentally! Engage with the world, initiate conversations, and put those ideas into action!