Sun Enters Gemini

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Today, May 20th, at 8:49 am, the Sun left Taurus and entered Gemini. Since Venus and Mercury are already in Gemini, this isn’t exactly new energy, but more of a continuation of a theme. We will still be interested in variety, and communication will continue to take a prominent role in our lives. We should try to keep ourselves busy mentally with reading and talking. This is also a great time to explore documentaries or non-fiction as Gemini is an air sign ruled by Mercury and enjoys factual information.

On Friday, May 22nd, there will also be a New Moon in Gemini. Usually New Moons are good times to start new things, but we should actually avoid that during this New Moon. With so many planets in retrograde, and Gemini being a sign known for changing its mind, I would instead focus on trying new things. If something isn’t working for you and you’ve been waiting to switch it up, this may be a good time for that, just don’t be attached to the outcome.

We should also pay attention to the days around Wednesday, June 3rd, as the Sun will join a retrograde Venus in Gemini. This will be the halfway point in Venus’ retrograde cycle and could illuminate a relationship or money issue. There may be an unresolved past matter that could resurface, possibly because we’ve been avoiding making up our minds. During this time we may finally decide we have enough information to make a decision.

The next few weeks should help us to seek out new options and solutions. We may find ourselves busier and it easier to distract ourselves. The energy may be more scattered than usual so make sure to take time for deep breaths and to slow down. Hopefully, we use this time to make some informative improvements in our lives!