Jupiter Retrograde

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Today, May 14th, Jupiter turns retrograde for the next four months. This will give us a long chance to re-evaluate our goals and aspirations. We’ve been dealing with a lot of changes in our lives, and this may have shifted what we value and how we approach our goals. Jupiter will spend the entirety of its retrograde in Capricorn, a sign that is primarily concerned with propriety and practicality. This retrograde may bring up issues around how we are growing as people.

Some people love the structure that rules provide, others find rules to be suffocating. Childhood is often where we first learned about limits and when learned we couldn’t go around doing whatever we wanted. And it was often our parents, or other authority figures, who taught us how to control ourselves and why following the rules was important. Those lessons stay with us today and have molded our ideas around authority and structure. Do you instinctively resist following rules, or do you find rules to be comforting?

Do not waste this opportunity to explore your relationship with control and limits. As a pandemic still proliferates around the world we are being called on to regulate and restrain ourselves. Spend the next four months re-evaluating your ability to control yourself, and make sure you have a healthy relationship with rules and guidelines. With Saturn and Pluto also near Jupiter we should also explore the line between empowerment and selfishness, security and greed. Use this time to grow into a deeper, more intentional person.