Mercury Enters Cancer

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Today, May 28th, at exactly 1:09 pm CDT Mercury leaves Gemini and enters Cancer. Mercury usually stays in a sign for about three weeks, but will have an extended stay in Cancer due to an upcoming Mercury retrograde. Get ready for a summer of feelings because Mercury will be here until August 4th! Cancer, as a sign, is primarily concerned with safety and security, so while Mercury is here our thoughts turn more to matters around comfort. Cancer is also a water sign so we may be less logical and more emotional while Mercury is here.

When Mercury was in Gemini our thoughts came fast, and we were more interested in conversations with others. Now our minds are calmer, and we want to nurture the connections we’ve made. Keep putting effort into your relationships, and connect with others emotionally. Push yourself to communicate on a deeper level. Be interested in others and what they are going through, but avoid over-investing in others. Make sure you’re having conversations that go both ways, don’t get stuck in a situation where someone is using your emotional sensitivity to manipulate you.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon and rules the stomach so if you have a gut instinct pay attention to it. It could lead to a very insightful idea. Pay attention to how your thoughts and emotions play off one another, and avoid becoming stuck in the past. Cancers can be extremely nostalgic, and with the upcoming Mercury retrograde (June 18th) it could become a real problem. If there is something important you feel called to revisit, go ahead, but stay in the present moment as much as possible. Spend this time creating new, wonderful memories.