Sun Enters Leo

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Today, July 22nd, the Sun entered Leo at 3:37 am CDT. This will be a nice change of pace after the intense Cancer season we just went through. With an eclipse and two New Moons in Cancer opposing all those planets in Capricorn, it’s understandable if we all feel a little depleted at the moment. Thankfully the Sun has finally returned to its home sign where it’s most comfortable, and we should now be able to focus on ourselves in a positive way.

Since the Sun is most happy when in Leo, this is a good time to make yourself the center of your life. Many of us are still physically isolated so use this time when there are a lot fewer distractions and other things to focus on as a way to spend some extra time with yourself. This does not mean be selfish, but rather give yourself the attention you need or crave instead of seeking it from others. Be open to doing nice things for yourself and try to have a more playful attitude.

This is also a great time to be your own role model. I know that sounds corny, but we are lacking extraordinary leadership right now and I think what is best is to understand that you probably have more of the answers than you realize. Don’t try to be like everyone else, honor your uniqueness and appreciate it. Center in on who you are without the influence of others, and even try to be an example to them.

Finally, since Leo is also a fixed sign, we can tap into that energy and become a more stable force in our own lives. Things feel very uncertain and in flux right now, we can’t control other people, but we can control ourselves. For the next few weeks, it should be easier to make decisions and have a little more certainty so take advantage of it. Things won’t always go smoothly with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto still in Capricorn, but we can use those planets to help us respect our boundaries. Having strong and established boundaries will help us achieve more stability in our lives because we will have less disruption to deal with.

Enjoy Leo season! Be confident, love yourself, and have fun!