Mercury Turns Direct

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On Sunday, July 12th, Mercury left its retrograde motion and turned direct! Please hold off on anything super important until July 19th when Mercury has left its storm and has picked up more speed. Hopefully, while Mercury was retrograde we had a chance to rethink and review some matters, especially when it comes to our comfort and security. I know a lot of us had issues or people from our past come up, remember those things were there to show us either how much we’ve grown since then, or how much growing we still need to do.

I also want to use this space to remind people to read my Jupiter retrograde post. In it, I talked about our need to review our relationship with limits and regulations. A lot of us are still avoiding dealing with our issues around constriction and control. With Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto near each other in Capricorn that may not be easy, but it can also push us to be more mature.

Difficult times and experiences can sometimes be the most important times in our lives. Of course we wish life was as pleasant as it could be, no one wants to go through tough times, but sometimes life just doesn’t work out like that. That’s why it’s important to cultivate resilience and maturity as they will help get us through challenging things. One time, someone smarter than me, told me that when I feel overwhelmed and inadequate, I should repeat to myself, “I am strong and capable” even if I don’t believe it. And honestly, it really helps. It stops those repeating thoughts that tell us we can’t, or that we’re incompetent. So please push yourself to transition into a more intentional, independent, and capable person.