Mercury Enters Leo

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Today at 10:32 pm CDT Mercury finally leaves Cancer after an extended stay there and enters Leo. Mercury in Leo expresses itself completely differently, it encourages us to express ourselves with greater confidence and be more playful in our communications. While Mercury was in Cancer it was opposing Saturn and mentally things weren’t easy, we felt very weighed down. We can now look forward to more creativity and self-confidence.

In the next few weeks, it may be very easy to get in a mode where we are consistently centering ourselves in our minds, which can be useful, but we shouldn’t go too far. While this is a great time to check in with yourself and pay attention to what’s going on in our minds, don’t forget to think about others. Be confident, but don’t be selfish.

It will be important to understand any issues we may have around confidence and how comfortable we are projecting our voices out to others. Leo energy often portrays itself as courageous and self-assured, but underneath all that bravado are our insecurities, still there, waiting to come out. Use this time to find a balance, pay attention to where you may be overcompensating, times when you speak over others, or express yourself too strongly.

Focus on expressing yourself and asserting your ideas in a healthy manner. Speak up when you can, and teach others what you know. Since we are able to communicate with more authority when Mercury is here, use it to your advantage. Also, creative outlets are especially helpful when Mercury is in Leo. Push yourself to do something expressive or artistic, even if it doesn’t come naturally to you. I hope this new energy invigorates and inspires you!