Sun Enters Libra

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Today, September 22nd, the Sun enters Libra at exactly 9:31 am. The Sun’s ingress into Libra also marks the autumn equinox when we have an equal amount of daylight and darkness. This is perfectly fitting for Libra, a sign symbolized by a scale, a sign that prioritizes balance and justice. Libra seeks this, not by being stern or punitive, but by bringing people together, and encouraging others to find harmony.

This Venus-ruled sign cares about consensus and cohesion which is why the Sun is a little uncomfortable here. The Sun would rather us prioritize ourselves, but Libra encourages the Sun to consider others. But don’t be so easily fooled, even though it isn’t a particularly selfish sign, it does have an agenda. Libra wants all of this cohesion because it values pleasantness over everything. And at what point does the pursuit of pleasantness override everything else? What lengths are we willing to go for it? What compromises are we willing to undertake? These are the questions we need to explore for ourselves.

Unfortunately, the planets in Capricorn are going to throw some rocks in our path. The Sun will square Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto which indicates things won’t go as smoothly as we hoped. Authorities, or powers bigger than us may stand in our way. We can see that playing out in the world now. We are demanding justice and equality, but institutional structures are delaying or hindering our progress. The Sun in Libra wants us to cooperate more, not with the other side necessarily, but with each other to overcome these obstacles.

Be aware that we may be called to step up and fight for our values because the Sun will oppose Mars and Chiron in Aries during its time in Libra. Libra and Aries are both cardinal signs so we may need to take the initiative and lead the challenge. If we focus on being a little more strategic and diplomatic, we may be able to resolve the conflict.

Very rarely can we solve our problems completely by ourselves. During this Libra season learn to accept help and learn how to help others. We are not on this planet alone.