Mercury Enters Scorpio

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Today, Sunday, September 27th, Mercury enters Scorpio for an extended stay. Mercury will be here until December due to an upcoming retrograde (technically, Mercury will retrograde back into Libra briefly as well). In the last few weeks, while Mercury was in Libra we were connecting with others and figuring out our alliances. As Mercury moves through Scorpio, it will become increasingly clear that we need to dig past the surface if we are to get through the next few months successfully.

Mercury will be retrograde from October 13th to November 2nd. I will discuss it further in a separate post, but be aware it's around the time of the United States presidential election. Please vote early if you are an American citizen, and be prepared for delays or problems.

Mercury in Scorpio, with an added retrograde cycle, tends to reveal things that had been hidden. If this happens integrate the information so you can choose the best path forward. The next few months may bring important revelations, especially if we search for them. If we don’t pay attention to the information we receive, we may get stuck on the wrong path.

Mercury will oppose Uranus several times during its stay in Scorpio. We may be tested or challenged in our ability to be flexible in our thinking and communicating. Uranus is there to give us a jolt where we have become too comfortable. New information can be upsetting or disorientating, try to understand this will ultimately help you in the long run.

Neptune will also connect to Mercury while it is in Scorpio. This connection indicates we need to consider how our thoughts tie in with our emotions. Check-in with your intuition often, pay attention to what it tells you. Also, when Mercury is in Scorpio it can be easy to say something that goes too far or is hurtful, use sensitivity when communicating.

Some of us are refusing to confront or acknowledge the problems around us because we are avoiding uncomfortable information or conversations. Consider how this may be hurting yourself or others, and go forward with a deeper intention.