New Moon in Aries

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There will be a New Moon in Aries Sunday, April 11th, at precisely 9:31 pm CDT. New Moons are a time to reset and rework matters. Start working on a new plan for the next month; consider what are your goals right now? What would you like to start focusing more on? 

Venus and Mercury are near the Sun and Moon during this New Moon, indicating that we should rethink how we approach others. How can we combine forces with others who feel similarly passionate as us? This New Moon may remind us that it is not always best to go after our desires alone. 

The Moon also sextiles Mars, the ruler of both the Sun and Moon. And since Mars is in Gemini, we are further pushed to reach out and include others in our endeavors. This brings to mind the saying, “Two heads are better than one.” Start considering who in your life you can start a new collaboration with. The Sun and Moon also sextile Jupiter in Aquarius, further indicating that we should consider working with others or combining forces with those working towards the same goals.

The more significant issue during this New Moon is Venus squaring off with Pluto. For many of us, we may be reaching a turning point in a relationship or financial matter. We may feel overly controlled or burdened in one of these areas, and it will be up to us to stand up for ourselves and what is best for us. Work towards being a more independent and confident version of yourself.

Remember to hold off starting anything important until the afternoon on Monday (April 12th), when the Moon enters Taurus. By then, the Moon's energy will be building again, and the Moon will be in a fixed sign meaning whatever start has a better chance of sticking. The Venus, Pluto square will also be over by then, and we may see how we need to change direction. Use this New Moon to take to reset and see things with fresh eyes.