Venus Enters Taurus

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On Wednesday, April 14th, Venus leaves Aries and enters Taurus at exactly 1:22 pm CDT. Relationship and financial matters begin to start to settle into something more permanent, and we are focusing on situations that have actual staying power and provide us with some security. We should also prioritize our own comfort and look into how we can incorporate a little more indulgence in our lives. 

If we spend much of Venus in Aries getting excited about the possibility of new relationships, we should now focus on which relationships do we want to last. This will be especially important around the end of April when Venus joins Uranus and squares off with Saturn. Try to examine which relationships can last long-term and which do not. There may be changes or shifts in your friend group or social circle. And because Saturn is in Aquarius, remember to keep aligning yourself with those whose societal goals match yours.

We should also keep in mind to choose quality over quantity during this time. We should consider who makes us feel good about ourselves and enriches our lives. We should also consider whether we actually like the people we surround ourselves with and whether they actually like us in return. Towards the beginning of May, Venus connects with Neptune and Pluto, indicating that we need to call on our intuition to let go of surface-level relationships and use our discretion to weed out what isn’t working for us anymore.

Finally, Venus in Taurus can be one of the best times during the year to work out a long-term financial plan or outlook. Make a budget and start prioritizing saving for emergencies. Also, use this time to take care of yourself completely - mind, body, and soul. A little self-indulgence is not selfish and doesn’t have to be expensive. I can not stress enough that we need to take care of ourselves and give ourselves a break once in a while. So do some self-care, indulge a little, and remember to surround yourself with loving, good people.