Venus Enters Leo

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On Saturday, June 26th, Venus will enter Leo at exactly 11:27 pm CDT and stay here until July 21st. This should be a relatively nice emotional shift as Venus leaves Cancer, helping us leave some of our emotional insecurities behind and move forward with purpose and determination. So embrace your loyal and charismatic qualities, act with more affection, and radiate warmth.

While Venus is in Leo, it may be the perfect time for us to work on loving ourselves a little bit better. We all struggle with how lovable we feel we are. But when we have a good source of internal love, we have a solid foundation to rely upon. It is not healthy for the love in our lives to only come from external sources. We need to love ourselves FIRST before we can love anyone else. 

However, we should not take this to mean that we should become insular self-involved people. Balance, as always, is the ultimate goal. Venus opposing Saturn on July 6th will really highlight how we need to keep the greater good in mind and not become too focused on personal gratification. Practical concerns regarding love may surface, and we may get a reality check. It may be unpleasant, but it is necessary to help us face reality. Around July 8th, when Saturn squares off with Uranus, we may get hit with something unexpected relating to a relationship or financial matter. This may cause us to shift directions or adapt, but ultimately push us in the direction we need to be moving. 

The middle of July will be more exciting as Venus joins Mars in Leo. We will want to go where our heart leads us and act on our romantic feelings. We also may have more passion and drive when it comes to money, so this may be an excellent time to promote yourself or your business. July 12th may be an optimal time to declare your love as Mercury connects with Jupiter. Just make sure it isn’t coming from a place of need or insecurity.

The last year taught us we don’t have time to waste. We need to love ourselves, be less fearful, and go after the relationships we desire.