Full Moon in Capricorn

There will be a Full Moon in Capricorn on Thursday, June 24th, at precisely 1:39 pm CDT. This is a moment for us to stop and consider how we process difficult emotions while also realistically meeting our basic needs. 

The Moon’s ruler, Saturn, is squaring off with Uranus during this Full Moon. Unfortunately, we still need to make adjustments in how we take care of ourselves. We either are not dedicating ourselves to doing what needs to be done, or we may be caring for ourselves in the wrong ways. Saturn is in Aquarius and wants us to take care of ourselves, so we aren’t so destructive to ourselves and the rest of the world. Our internal emotional landscape affects how we go about in the world. It involves and influences those around us; we do not live in a vacuum, even emotionally. The good news is that the adjustments we need to make ultimately help us get to where we need to be.

Both the Sun and the Moon also connect with Jupiter very close to this Full Moon. So we may have to rely on our spiritual or essential beliefs to navigate things right now successfully. Keep in mind Mercury recently turned direct, and it may be that we are still processing a lot of information, which can lead us to forget that there are still core concepts that remain fundamentally important to us. Remember what is important to you philosophically when you get emotionally overwhelmed or lost.

We may feel really insecure during this Full Moon in Capricorn. We may feel like we don’t have a solid foundation. We may be extra hard on ourselves for mistakes we have made. Try not to compare yourself to others and remember that you are just a human being, trying your best.