Sun Enters Capricorn

The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21st at exactly 9:59 am CST and will stay here until January 19th. The way we express ourselves and make decisions becomes a little more serious as Saturn becomes the Sun’s ruler forcing us to be more orderly and responsible for the next four weeks. We will really see that we need to be consistent and disciplined if we want to reach our goals or desires.

Venus Retrograde in Capricorn

Venus will station retrograde in Capricorn on Sunday, December 19th, and continue this motion until January 29th. Our relationships and financial situations will undergo a review and adjustment process that is only just getting started as Venus will stay in Capricorn until March 5th. Themes around stability and commitment will be unavoidable as we prune weak relationships to allow the strong to flourish.

Mars Enters Sagittarius

Mars enters Sagittarius on Monday, December 13th at exactly 3:53 am CST and will stay here until January 24th. Now our actions become less calculating but more energetic and outwardly focused, and it’s much easier for us to be flexible in our approach. Mars will be ruled by Jupiter, which will shift out of Aquarius and into Pisces over the next month. We will see how the time we spent considering the bigger picture now helps lead us to more wise and understanding actions.

Mercury Enters Sagittarius

Mercury leaves Scorpio, enters Sagittarius on Wednesday, November 24th at precisely 9:36 am, and will stay here until December 13th. While Mercury was in Scorpio, we used more subtle forms of communication, letting our thoughts flow to deeper areas of our psyche. Now that Mercury is in Sagittarius, we should try to use our words more and communicate in a way that provides clarity, not confusion.

Venus Enters Capricorn

Venus will enter Capricorn on Friday, November 5th, at exactly 5:44, am CDT. Venus will stay in Capricorn for around four months due to a retrograde cycle that will take place from December 19th until January 29th. We need to consider who we can build a future with, and more importantly, who do we want to build a future with? It’s time to get serious and prioritize the people you care about.

New Moon in Scorpio

The New Moon in Scorpio happens on November 4th at precisely 4:15 pm CDT. Don’t be surprised to be surprised during this Scorpio New Moon. It is tightly opposed to Uranus in Taurus, indicating that life isn’t done throwing us curveballs. November is going to be a rough month, and this New Moon sets the stage. We are still grappling with our fears and letting them hold us back. Unfortunately, sometimes we can’t just push through something quickly, and right now, we are being forced to just sit with this energy for a while longer. 

On the positive side, the Sun and Moon are separating from a square to Saturn, so the worst is actually behind us in many cases. That doesn’t mean everything is smooth sailing now, but matters are working towards a resolution. I want us to consider that a certain situation that seems horrible to us right now might not actually be as bad as we’re assuming. 

Use this New Moon to collect yourself and prepare for some turbulent weeks ahead. I promise by the time we get to January, the situation astrologically will improve a lot. So hang in there, and remember, as always, to practice loving-kindness.

ARIES RISING: Begin to face your fears around intimacy. You only hold yourself back when you close yourself off to other people.

TAURUS RISING: Create deeper relationships. Others may be tired of only seeing one side of you.

GEMINI RISING: Establish a more meaningful daily routine. Learn how your emotions influence your physical health.

CANCER RISING: Find joy by connecting deeply with what inspires you. 

LEO RISING: Be more present at home or with your family. Begin to care deeply about what helps you feel grounded.

VIRGO RISING: Begin to be more honest and open in the way you communicate.

LIBRA RISING: Start to consider what assets you truly value and how you can protect what matters to you.

SCORPIO RISING: Begin to be more present and aware of your body. What radiates in us also radiates out towards others.

SAGITTARIUS RISING: Make time to be alone with yourself to reflect on your fears and emotions deeply. 

CAPRICORN RISING: Be more open in your friendships and alliances. Don’t avoid emotional connection.

AQUARIUS RISING: Begin to show a deeper side of yourself publicly. 

PISCES RISING: Incorporate what you believe more profoundly. Dig deeper into sources of knowledge.

Mars Enters Scorpio

On Saturday, October 30th, Mars enters Scorpio after spending two months in Libra and will stay here until December 13th. This will be a dramatic change for Mars as they go from adversity in Libra to a place of ease and advantage in Scorpio. Our primal instincts will be the driving force behind many of our actions as we face our deepest hopes and fears. It’s time to get honest about what is really motivating our behavior.

Sun Enters Scorpio

The Sun enters Scorpio at exactly 11:51 pm CDT on Friday, October 22nd, and will stay here until November 21st. Scorpio is a water sign, so emotions fuel our expressions and decisions for the next four weeks. We should take this time to embrace our feelings and learn that only when we are aware of our own fears and suffering can we understand our motivations.

New Moon in Libra

This is quite a different New Moon than usual. Usually, I would say that this is a quiet time where we should reflect on what we would like to begin or shift our attention to, but Mars joins this New Moon, and all three planets are ruled by Venus in Scorpio, so the energy may be anything but calm. For this New Moon in Libra, we must focus on being intentional in our relationships and how we communicate. It will benefit us more if we concentrate on being more consistent and reliable than scattered or unpredictable.

Full Moon in Pisces

There will be a Full Moon in Pisces on Monday, September 20th at precisely 6:55 pm CDT. This Full Moon is all about empathy -- empathy for others AND ourselves. Feelings can be scary but push yourself to lean into them right now. Deeply experiencing our emotions is what leads to the greatest understanding and compassion.

ARIES RISING: You may be too focused on serving others as a result of unresolved trauma. Process your deeper, subconscious emotions.

TAURUS RISING: Your creative or passionate pursuits may have lead you away from making alliances with others. Remember to include others in your vision.

GEMINI RISING: Home or family issues may be distracting you from your career or affecting your reputation, don't lose sight of what you are trying to achieve.

CANCER RISING: Communicating effectively or issues in your community may be taking your focus away from what you fundamentally hold true. Don't compromise your beliefs.

LEO RISING: You may be very focused on financial or real estate concerns. Consider what deep-rooted fears are affecting your decisions.

VIRGO RISING: You may be spending too much energy on yourself or how you identify, remember your relationships also need attention.

LIBRA RISING: Dealing with what has been causing your suffering may cause you to be distracted from your daily work or health. Create a daily routine and take more care of your health.

SCORPIO RISING: Friends and alliances may be your main priority, but remember to make time for fun and what you are passionate about personally.

SAGITTARIUS RISING: You may be very focused on what is happening in your career and neglecting family or home obligations. Remember to find a balance.

CAPRICORN RISING: You may be venturing out into the world more or focusing on what you truly believe, but don't let that distract you from what is happening close to you and what you need to communicate.

AQUARIUS RISING: Your fears or dependence on others is distracting you from securing what you really value. Rebalance your priorities.

PISCES RISING: While you've been focusing on your close relationships, you may have lost sight of your true identity. Remember to consider how you want others to perceive you.