Sun Enters Aquarius

The Sun enters Aquarius on January 19th at 8:39 pm CST and stays here until February 18th. The next four weeks are a perfect time to see the bigger picture. Release what you’ve been clinging to and keep in mind that what is meant for you will remain regardless. 

The Sun is in its weakest position in Aquarius, which lets us know that this is a time to focus more on others instead of ourselves. So for the next four weeks, don’t make things about you; try to subvert your ego. Instead of needing attention, give attention to others. Doing this has an added benefit - we can find a lot more freedom to be our true selves. We may realize through this process that we don’t have to fit a role. We have to be focused on being good people, not meeting others' expectations.

The Sun makes several important connections while in Aquarius. First, it joins a retrograde Mercury on the 22nd. Use this time to be introspective about moments you didn’t consider others or saw matters from a narrow perspective. We also may be faced with the consequences of things we said in the past.

Next, on January 28th, the Sun connects with Chiron. Look for logical solutions that take everyone’s needs into account.

Then the Sun squares off with Uranus on January 30th. This may bring up an unexpected situation or problem; avoid being stubborn, detach and find a sensible solution.

Finally, on February 4th, the Sun joins Saturn. Focus intensely on your responsibilities around this time. Try to step outside of yourself and see what you need to take more seriously. 

Use the next four weeks to take a step back and view matters more realistically. Stop and ask yourself, does this make sense? Does this lead to a higher good? Am I too wrapped up in my emotions or expectations? Delusion can be one of the most stressful states that we can be in. Find comfort in reality, precisely because it is real.