Mars Enters Capricorn

Mars will enter Capricorn on January 24th at exactly 6:53 am CST and stay here until March 3rd. Mars is exalted in Capricorn because if we take practical, deliberate steps to get what we want, we usually end up getting it. This is not a time to take shortcuts or be careless. Be like a mountain climber - perceptive, persistent, and disciplined.

Unfortunately, Mercury and Venus are still retrograde, making everything complicated. Ideally, this would be the perfect time to initiate any important projects, but I can’t advise doing that until the middle of February. So until then, we continue to make the adjustments we need to and focus on becoming better versions of ourselves.

Mars will be very busy these next six weeks. First, it connects with Jupiter on February 4th so look for ways to be actively kind or compassionate. Remember that being a good person is our ultimate focus.

The next day on the 5th, it squares off with Chiron. We may feel overly controlled by outside forces, leading to conflicts, so avoid tense situations and give yourself some space around this time.

Mars connects with Uranus on February 7th, helping us get excited about moving forward now that Mercury and Venus are direct. This is a great time to start envisioning projects we would like to begin.

Mars joins Venus on the 15th, which may be a make-it or break-it time for relationships. Is this the amount of commitment or reliability you want?

On the 22nd of February, Mars connects with Neptune, so find opportunities to do what helps you feel supported and confident, consider a tradition or ritual.

Finally, on March 2nd, Mars will join Pluto. This is an excellent time to start anything important, so if you held out until now, congratulations! We will also be incredibly focused and determined about anything we are trying to accomplish around this time. 

Bring as much direction and purpose as you can into your life over the next six weeks. It won’t always be easy, especially right away, but keep at it.  Our actions will be much more successful if we stay focused on practical steps we can take, one step at a time.