Sun Enters Sagittarius

The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22nd at 2:20 am CST and will stay here until December 21st. Another planet gets out of Mars’ rule and is ruled now by Jupiter in Pisces, helping us go through life with a little more lightness and levity. Although we shouldn’t take that to mean that everything is fun and jokes now - Jupiter is in Pisces, so we still must remember to be kind and compassionate above all else.

Over the next four weeks, we may be tempted to be so invested in what we believe in that we develop a superiority complex. If we don’t listen carefully to others or become so consumed with our own issues, we may alienate those we should care about the most. Be authentic while still being kind, and use your judgment wisely.

The Sun’s first connection is on December 3rd, when it connects pleasantly with Chiron. We may find more understanding around something causing us emotional pain, allowing us to express ourselves more sincerely.

On December 5th, the Sun opposes a retrograde Mars. There is also a Full Moon this day, so information may come to light that forces us to adjust what we assumed to be true. Conflict may be difficult to avoid if we prioritize our beliefs over the facts of the matter.

The Sun connects with Saturn on the 12th. If we want more control over our lives, handling difficult matters directly and honestly is our best strategy.

Finally, on December 14, the Sun squares off with Neptune. This is our chance to take a little break from reality and get in touch with our intuitive or creative side.  Avoid taking on tasks that require precision, as confusion is much more likely around this time.

Sagittarius season wants us to get out of our ruts and habits and try something different. The next four weeks are a time to be a little more adventurous, a little more radical - especially if it will help more than just yourself. Seize opportunities to be a voice for those who aren’t being heard, speak up in defense of those who are being subjected, and support important causes you believe in. This is the time to show everyone who you are by what you’re willing to fight for.