Mercury Enters Capricorn

Mercury enters Capricorn on December 6th at exactly 4:08 pm CST and will stay here until February 11th, which is much longer than usual due to an upcoming retrograde on December 29th. Mercury has no dignity or debility in Capricorn, so we will primarily be on our own when it comes to getting the results we desire out of this transit. We may as well make friends with the energy because it is definitely here to stay for a while.

For the next three weeks, focus on what you know, and understand what you don’t know. Saturn rules Mercury in Capricorn, so hard, definitive knowledge and facts should be our priority. This is not the time to guess, estimate, or pretend. Communicate very clearly and literally, as it is not the time to be vague or unspecific.

Mercury’s first connection is on December 14th, when it squares off with Chiron. We may feel emotionally insecure or inadequate around this time. Recognize where you still have growing or maturing to do.

Next, on December 17th, Mercury connects pleasantly with Uranus. This will be a great time to implement new changes in your mindset, especially around practical concerns. We may see a better approach if we are open to changing our perspectives.

Then on the 24th, Mercury connects with Neptune, allowing us to see matters a little more sensitively. We may be better able to communicate clearly if we take the time to appreciate others’ emotions.

Finally, on December 29th, Mercury stations retrograde at 3:32 am CST. Whatever house Capricorn rules in your chart may need to undergo some revision. Be prepared to rethink or reexamine your approach to the issues indicated by that house.

For some of us, this extended Mercury in Capricorn period may be a bummer, especially if your mind doesn’t enjoy a lot of practical or methodical thought patterns. But if we consider where we are as a society, we can easily see where that mindset is beneficial. A lot of life requires serious contemplation and planning. We can not continuously act first and think later. Use the next three weeks to approach your life a little more seriously. Your life matters, so be more thoughtful about it.