Sun Enters Capricorn

The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21st at exactly 3:48 pm CST and will stay here until January 20th. This also marks a Solstice as the light of the Sun reverses course, and the days either get longer or shorter depending on the hemisphere. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we can begin to work our way out of winter’s darkness as we reflect on the tougher lessons we’ve learned this year.

The next four weeks present an opportunity to express the more serious sides of ourselves. It is time for us to show that we are capable of handling difficult matters and can approach decisions wisely. Be more efficient, and don’t shy away from taking the reigns if necessary.

The Sun’s first connection is right away on the 21st when it squares off with Jupiter. With both planets’ recent sign ingresses, this could be a very strained situation. Avoid letting inhibitions interfere with your self-confidence.

Next, on January 5th, the Sun connects pleasantly with Uranus. A different perspective may help us detach and view matters more calculatedly.

Then on January 6th, the Sun joins Mercury helping us consider matters seriously or reasonably.

The Sun connects with Neptune on January 12th. Seeing ourselves realistically may help us be more compassionate toward others.

Finally, on January 17th, the Sun joins Pluto creating a potentially powerful day to accomplish our goals and delve deeper inside ourselves to find the strength to do so.

Success often requires hard work and dedication. The Sun in Capricorn is not averse to doing what needs to be done if it gets them closer to accomplishing their goal. It is not afraid of failure because it understands failure and knows how to get around it. It is not fearful of obstacles because obstacles teach us better ways. So go forth with more confidence and do not be afraid of hurdles, for they are what make us stronger.