Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn

Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn at exactly 3:32 am CST today and will continue in this direction until January 18th, 2023. In traditional astrology, a retrograde interferes will a planet’s ability to carry out its natural functions, and since Mercury rules our thoughts, ideas, and ability to communicate, we should expect frustrations and issues in these areas of our lives.

Mercury, when in Capricorn, wants to process information thoughtfully and accurately. It sees the world as it is and wants to figure out how to work within those limitations. So many of us may be forced to see the world more realistically or where we were picking up the incorrect information. We must take this time to reconsider where we have been too trivial or pointless; otherwise, we may face the consequences.

Mercury’s first retrograde connection occurs very soon after it stations on December 29th when it joins Venus, indicating that a past relationship may be the first thing we start rethinking. Serious communication issues you’ve been avoiding may surface, so use this time to consider how you may have been too thoughtless or casual.

Then on January 1st, Mercury connects with Neptune allowing us to take a break from all this rethinking and see matters more intuitively or creatively. Reconnect with your spiritual side and see if that helps you make more sense of matters.

Mercury joins the Sun on January 6th. For many of us, this may be a time of careful reconsideration regarding past decisions.

Next, on the 8th, Mercury connects pleasantly with Uranus. We may suddenly have an insight into an issue that helps us see matters more level-headedly. We may also have an unforeseen understanding of the past.

Finally, Mercury squares off with Chiron on January 10th. This may be a frustrating moment when our inadequacies and insecurities resurface. Acknowledge your mistakes in order to move forward.

Be patient with yourself over the next three weeks as you slowly make sense of your words' consequences and the impact of your perceptions. This is our time to dispel illusions and get back to reality.