
Venus Enters Capricorn

Venus enters Capricorn on January 23rd at exactly 2:50 am CST and will stay here until February 16th. We now need to shift away from boldness and candor when dealing with others toward a more mature approach as we become more committed and devoted to our relationships. For the next three weeks, express genuine affection for others, be more serious about your relationships and trustworthy. 

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn

Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn at exactly 3:32 am CST today and will continue in this direction until January 18th, 2023. In traditional astrology, a retrograde interferes will a planet’s ability to carry out its natural functions, and since Mercury rules our thoughts, ideas, and ability to communicate, we should expect frustrations and issues in these areas of our lives.

Sun Enters Capricorn

The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21st at exactly 3:48 pm CST and will stay here until January 20th. This also marks a Solstice as the light of the Sun reverses course, and the days either get longer or shorter depending on the hemisphere. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we can begin to work our way out of winter’s darkness as we reflect on the tougher lessons we’ve learned this year.

Venus Enters Capricorn

Venus enters Capricorn on December 9th at 9:54 pm CST and stays here until January 2nd. Venus has no debility or dignity in Capricorn and will be ruled by a strong Saturn in Aquarius, so this may be an excellent time to solidify or strengthen your relationships. This transit will also be an ideal time to deal with financial issues as we are likely to make sensible and responsible choices.

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius & Capricorn

On Friday, January 14th, Mercury will station retrograde at exactly 5:41 am CST and continue the motion until February 3rd. (Although we should wait until February 10th to start anything important.) It will move backward through Aquarius and into Capricorn during its retrograde cycle but maintain the same ruler in both signs - Saturn in Aquarius. As with any Mercury retrograde, keep in mind that anything you initiate during this time may not work out as planned, so proceed carefully and cautiously.

New Moon in Capricorn

There is a New Moon in Capricorn on Sunday, January 2nd, at exactly 12:33 pm CST. This is a critical moment that sets the tone for the new year. We must be more disciplined, tenacious, and diligent if we want the best outcomes for ourselves. 

What is a major goal we have for 2022? If we are unsure, we should narrow it down now and be ready to commit to it. Saturn has the most dignity during this New Moon, so we need to understand that it won’t be easy. But if we are prepared to work for what we want, we may be amazed at what we can accomplish. This advice applied doubly to our relationships and money as Venus is retrograde and will soon join the New Moon. Be ready and rise to the occasion if the relationship is important to you, and make sure you prioritize any financial goals.

The Moon is in a challenging position during this New Moon, so it may be uncomfortable to get in touch with our feelings. It does share a minor mutual reception with Mars, so if we can get ourselves to access our emotions and act accordingly, it should go relatively well.

We shouldn’t forget that Jupiter recently re-entered Pisces and has the second most dignity after Saturn. Don’t be afraid to be compassionate or sensitive right now because the more loving and kind your spirit is, the more insightful your actions will be.

ARIES RISING: Get exact about your career goals or how you would like to improve your public image. Envision what you can accomplish with hard work and dedication.

TAURUS RISING: Work on committing yourself to a belief system and more logical or empirical philosophies. Get serious about your education.

GEMINI RISING: Approach your deepest fears with more maturity. Commit to facing them and working diligently to overcome them. 

CANCER RISING: Be more dedicated and responsible in your close relationships. Be someone others can rely on.

LEO RISING: Bring more discipline to your daily work. Be diligent about working on your health.

VIRGO RISING: Be more mature towards what brings you joy. Elevate what you do for fun and if you have children, be more dedicated and responsible towards them.

LIBRA RISING: Commit yourself more to your family and home. Take any lessons from your ancestors or family traditions and apply them more diligently.

SCORPIO RISING: Focus on communicating more logically and objectively. Do not rush yourself when speaking; think things through. Be more committed to your siblings and neighbors.

SAGITTARIUS RISING: Approach your financial situation with more maturity and diligence. Set long-term, responsible goals for your money or assets.

CAPRICORN RISING: Focus on ensuring that others see you as a competent and responsible person. Outwardly show that you are capable of hard work and discipline.

AQUARIUS RISING: Work hard behind the scenes, and cultivate a more secure sense of self. Use periods of isolation to focus on wisdom and discipline.

PISCES RISING: Approach your hopes for the future with more tenacity and diligence. Be more pragmatic and objective about who your associate with.

Sun Enters Capricorn

The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21st at exactly 9:59 am CST and will stay here until January 19th. The way we express ourselves and make decisions becomes a little more serious as Saturn becomes the Sun’s ruler forcing us to be more orderly and responsible for the next four weeks. We will really see that we need to be consistent and disciplined if we want to reach our goals or desires.

Venus Retrograde in Capricorn

Venus will station retrograde in Capricorn on Sunday, December 19th, and continue this motion until January 29th. Our relationships and financial situations will undergo a review and adjustment process that is only just getting started as Venus will stay in Capricorn until March 5th. Themes around stability and commitment will be unavoidable as we prune weak relationships to allow the strong to flourish.

Venus Enters Capricorn

Venus will enter Capricorn on Friday, November 5th, at exactly 5:44, am CDT. Venus will stay in Capricorn for around four months due to a retrograde cycle that will take place from December 19th until January 29th. We need to consider who we can build a future with, and more importantly, who do we want to build a future with? It’s time to get serious and prioritize the people you care about.

Venus Enters Capricorn

Venus enters Capricorn on Friday, January 8th, at 9:41 am CST. This isn't the most fun or exciting placement for Venus, but it will allow us to take stock and evaluate things from a more realistic perspective. We should also use this time to look at our financial situation and assess it realistically, as Venus also rules money. Venus in Capricorn is here to teach us that life can't always be fun, but also that fun maybe isn't the most important part of our lives anyway. Commitment, loyalty, and dedication are overlooked, undervalued assets that we must also learn to appreciate.

Sun Enters Capricorn

On December 21st, the Sun will leave Sagittarius and enter Capricorn at exactly 4:02 am CST. Today also marks the Solstice, a day when the Sun spends the least amount of time above the horizon in the northern hemisphere and the most in the southern. And to top things off, it is also the day of the Great Conjunction, when Jupiter and Saturn meet in Aquarius. To say the least, this is a turning point, finally, at the end of 2020.