Venus Enters Capricorn

Venus enters Capricorn on December 9th at 9:54 pm CST and stays here until January 2nd. Venus has no debility or dignity in Capricorn and will be ruled by a strong Saturn in Aquarius, so this may be an excellent time to solidify or strengthen your relationships. This transit will also be an ideal time to deal with financial issues as we are likely to make sensible and responsible choices.

When we picture Venus in Capricorn, it may not bring the most thrilling displays of affection to mind, but true love shouldn’t need constant excitement and frenzy. At a certain point, it should be able to relax into something more solid and consistent. Venus in Capricorn wants us to appreciate the relationships in our lives that we can rely on because we all deserve commitment and loyalty.

Venus’ first connection is on December 19th, when it squares off with Chiron. Insecurities may try and get the best of us, which may test the strength of a relationship or financial situation.

On the 21st, Venus connects pleasantly with Uranus. This is an ideal time to get relationships out of a rut or consider new or other types of partners. If necessary, try a different approach to finances.

Then on the 27th, Venus connects with Neptune. Use your intuition when dealing with others around this time. Try to be more kind and understanding in your relationships.

Mercury joins Venus on the 28th. Mercury will have just stationed retrograde, so past relationships or relationship issues may once again surface. Avoid reacting; instead, write down what comes up for you.

Finally, on December 31st Venus joins Pluto in Capricorn. A relationship or financial situation may intensify around this time as we deeply crave commitment or deal with problems that we no longer wish to avoid. Make sure you are moving in ways that create more stability and security for yourself.

On some level, we all want to be taken seriously in our relationships. We need to feel like we matter to others and that our presence makes a difference to them. So over the next three weeks, avoid settling for less or making yourself smaller for others. Know your worth and surround yourself with those who know it as well.