Mercury Enters Gemini

Mercury enters Gemini on Friday, April 29th, at exactly 5:23 pm. This Mercury placement encourages us to collect information and connect with our interests. Unfortunately, Mercury spends only about 22 days in Gemini due to its upcoming retrograde cycle that begins on May 10th and is only direct for the first 10 of those days. Needless to say, if we want to use this energy to our advantage, we must move quickly.

Gemini is especially at home in Mercury, infusing our communication style with lightheartedness and adaptability. While we may not have as many “deep” conversations while Mercury is here, we certainly can cover a vast array of topics and see matters from many perspectives. Often this means we need to ask questions! Questions further conversations along, deepen our connections with each other, and help us find information out much more quickly. Use the next ten days to ask as many questions as possible before information gets cloudy.

Mercury only makes one connection in Gemini before it stations retrograde. That connection takes place on May 5th, when Mercury sextiles Venus in Aries. Look for an opportunity to engage with others actively. Initiate conversations or engage with others on a mental level. This may be the last decent moment to have a successful discussion, so don’t let it go to waste. Remember, sextiles require us to assert ourselves. We have to both see the opportunity AND use it.

Mercury will station retrograde on May 10th and continue that motion until June 3rd. Mercury enters its storm (when it is moving less than 40 minutes per day) on May 3rd. Mercury is really slowing down by this point, so please initiate any important contracts, agreements, or technical projects before May 3rd. We should also make sure we gather or obtain any vital or important information before the retrograde, so keep these dates in mind. 

I will have an upcoming post about Mercury’s retrograde and re-entry into Taurus, covering all you need to know. Until then, seek out clarity.